
Christian's Bike - Remake

BMX Collector and RAD enthusiast Mannin Tucker has built the Mongoose Californian Christian rode in the movie. He procured a bunch of NOS items for this and it has turned out killer. Also if you know of any Christian look-a-likes, hook him up, he is in need of a back flip coach and ass sliding partner. :) 


Martin and Woody

I came across this photo and am making the assumption that this was taken on the day of filming the opening and closing scenes in RAD.



Amazing Fan Story

This was sent to me by a fan of RAD as you will see. I love these stories about how this movie has affected and changed the lives of people all over the world. Enjoy the read and send me your story.

It's certainly beyond RAD to show up on a site like this and feel the warmth of shared geek ness for this flick!

I got my first taste back when this thing went to VHS, and it was like a highly addictive substance, my buddies and I flat wore out a copy trying to satisfy our hunger.  The near daily routine almost always included in part or entirety a RAD viewing.  It was almost nauseating that we could choose a part to view, fast forward/rewind to the exact second based on memory recall of the counter times on the VCR!

Who didn't want to be Cru Jones at one point who had ever seen this movie?  When we weren't watching this movie for the; 20th, 33rd, 50th, & 113th time, you guessed it... We were working on our moves, that somehow never really made it past "no hands", riding a wheelie for a block, and the occasional bunny hop.

We eventually had to move on, and by move on I mean play Nintendo non stop.  Little did we know that such an activity would be the means to an end of the lost art of playing outside, out of control continuous repeat viewing of videos, and of course true street BMXing.

As we began our journeys through our teen years, I always kept a special place in my heart and mind for RAD, and the underdog/über-cool persona of Mr. Cru Jones.  Around the time the WWJD phrase and bracelets heightened in popularity in the 90's, I adopted a similar mantra with WWCJD (What Would Cru Jones Do).  This usually culminated in a risky but calculated maneuver, as we all remember, Cru would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.  I mean c'mon... Forgery?  Taking on an accomplice of your younger sister to promote illegal activity??  That is the kind of stuff movies, and Legends are made of!

I continued to annoy my inner circles with the affection I carried for RAD, to where a seriously joking, or jokingly serious statement was made by me, that if I chose to one day procreate, and the result happened to spawn a human of the male variety, then there would be no reason not to have that individual be known to the world as "Cru".

I had (and still have to this day) a very good friend that was artfully inclined, and very aware of my hidden passion for all things RAD.  For my 19th Birthday I was presented with my very own red "Rad Racing" logo shirt that had been painstakingly handcrafted by my buddy, specifically for me.  Get this, my buddy's name... Christian (Christian is a male, but eerie coincidence right?).

I decided one day shortly after this that I needed, scratch that HAD to procure my very own Original VHS copy.  I located quite possibly the last copy in rental circulation in my area at a chain establishment that rhymes with rock luster.  Upon my arrival, I found the original copy perched in proper arrangement in it's rightful locale with frontside flanked by, yes...the original box cover place holder.  Upon securing the rental, took it back to a buddy's apartment to get reacquainted with the flick.  I had carefully plotted my approach all whilst thinking WWCJD, so obviously after the movie was over I returned to the video store, however I did so empty handed...

I informed the clerk that the movie I had rented earlier had met an untimely demise as the tape was stripped and jammed in my VCR unable to be pulled from the unit to be returned.  I asked the clerk what my options were since the tape could not be returned.  He informed me that the only realistic option was to purchase the movie.  I again asked if there was another option, he said that was the only way to avoid suspending my account.  In a somber tone I asked what the damage was, "2.35" he replied.  I paid the requested amount, and asked if I could keep the box from the shelf a keepsake given all that had transpired, he allowed me to do so, and I had a extremely difficult time holding back my emotions as to not break character before exiting the store.  Made my way back to that apartment and carefully placed my prize into it's original condition. Remember me saying that Cru Jones defies odds and conventional methods to obtain his goals?  Good. Quiz passed- please continue:

Fast forward a couple of years, while working in an insurance office, rocking my Rad Racing shirt on a casual Friday, what appears to be a potential new hire, cute blonde package crosses my path, we glance towards each other, and swear to you without skipping a beat "Send Me An Angel" chorus begins playing in my head even though I had momentarily forgotten what planet I was on, let alone what shirt I happened to be wearing.  I had no expectations for that moment, other than I enjoyed it, and wanted to experience it over and over for the rest of my life.  I had no idea of the impact that chance encounter would have on the rest of my life, its as if I was staged at the gate of HELL TRACK with my heart pounding waiting for the time to drop down the ramp to begin the ultimate ride.

Six years & a handful of months after that encounter, that particular blonde decided to make herself my wife.  Three years later in 2007, we welcomed our 1st child, a boy...
Crew Christopher (we paired our spelling rendition with MY middle name).  I tell you this, as awesome as his namesake was to me when I was 10, our little guy is easily 10x that to us, he is everything you could hope for in a little boy; brave, funny, loving, caring, adventurous, and most of all, just well... Pretty freakin' RAD! 


Rider of the Month - Mike Miranda

Mike Miranda - Currently Lives in Seal Beach, CA

Got the nick name "Hollywood" for his flashy and sometimes very pink uniforms. 

Most Notable Piece in RAD: Three crashes during the final race. Mike was paid extra to perform the crashes. I remember when he went off the top of Helltrack into a large pile of cardboard boxes.

The Hutch shown below is the actual bike he rode in the movie. This was recently returned to him by a neighbor, then restored to its original condition.

Never before seen photos courtesy of Jose Yanez personal collection